Saturday Inspiration

"We have to continually be jumping off cliffs and developing our wings on the way down." 

I was searching for a quote to go with this photo and came across this one.  I thought it was the perfect metaphor and really described my outlook on life.  As I mentioned in my 2013 recap post, it's all about taking risks and stepping out of our comfort zones.  It's about not being afraid to take that leap of faith.  It's not always easy, but it's worth it in the end.  I just want to enjoy my life while I still have it.  When I'm old and grey and shriveled down to 4 feet, I want to look back without regrets and know that I took chances and that I really lived.  My father died at 62 and there was still so much more that he wanted to do and accomplish.  Some of those things I hope to accomplish for him in his memory. 
So take a chance.. on love.. on life.. on faith.. and jump.

On another note, I haven't jumped this high since my cheering days! 
Have a great day loves. 

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Saturday Inspiration
Saturday Inspiration
Reviewed by Jacob
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Rating : 4.5

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