The New "A Love Affair With Fashion"

Hi loves and welcome to the new A Love Affair With Fashion!  
I am so excited that after 3 years, it FINALLY got a makeover.  About time, right?!  I really hope that you love this new design as much as I do.  A lot of thought and time went into this because I wanted to make sure that it was more personal and a better representation of who I am.  I believe that it is. As I evolve, I want my blog to evolve with me.  Change is necessary for growth.  :)

The more I looked at my blog, the more I realized I had outgrown the design.  It didn't feel personal enough for me.  It just didn't feel like me at all.  That's mostly because I have no idea how to design for my life. lol  I honestly felt like I was in a bit of a slump because I knew that I needed to update it all, but I couldn't find someone to do it.  Thankfully, I connected with Vanessa, who instantly saw my vision, and she saved me!  I highly recommend working with her if you are in need of a web designer.  She has been such a pleasure to work with and has seriously gone above and beyond to make sure that I was 100% satisfied with everything.  We basically connected all the way back in August, but because of personal things and our schedules, we were not able to start working on this fully until November.  I had no idea how long of a process something like this could be, but I am so grateful to her for having patience with my indecisiveness and exceeding my expectations.  She is extremely talented and creative.

My main goal with this new layout was for everything to be simple, chic, cohesive and clean.  I want whoever comes to my site to get a better feel for who I am.  This goes beyond my outfits and style.  So much of what we go through in life makes us who we are today, so you will notice that my "about" section is a bit more personal too.  I added categories in the sidebar so that I can start sharing more on here than just my outfits.   The main focus will still be fashion, but I really do want to share so much more with you all.  I am focused on creating new content that I hope you will enjoy.  You might have noticed that the Google Friend Connect is gone, however all of the heart icons are linked to bloglovin' so that you can follow my posts there!  I picked a color combo that has been one of my favorites for a very long time and I think it represents me better than the coral I had before.  If you are viewing from mobile, make sure to click "view web version" so that you can see all of these changes.  We are hoping to create a better mobile version soon too.  There are still a few little elements that we will be adding, like a fun FAQ page, but for now this is it. I really hope that you love it! <3 

If by chance you are looking for a designer and want to work with Vanessa, she is offering 20% off to all of my readers.  If you click on her name it will bring you to her site.  It's under construction, but her email address is listed there.  Feel free to shoot her an email with your ideas and hopefully you can work together.
Thanks so much for stopping by! 

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The New "A Love Affair With Fashion"
The New "A Love Affair With Fashion"
Reviewed by Jacob
Published :
Rating : 4.5

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