A Day In The City With HUE & Jacqui

Last year, I worked on a fun campaign with HUE.  I announced a big contest that they were doing where the winner would be flown to NYC for two nights and win a $1,000 shopping spree.  The best part about this for me was that I would get to take the winner shopping and spend a fun filled day in New York with them!  The winner, Jacqui, was announced a few months back and HUE flew her into NYC last weekend.  It was seriously such an amazing day and I wanted to share a little bit about it on the blog today. :) 

I knew who Jacqui was because we had exchanged several emails over the last year or two and interacted on both social media and my blog.  Although I had never met her previously, I could tell that she was such a sweet and genuine person.  When I found out that she won the contest, I was so excited to finally meet her.  Jacqui lives in Illinois and had never been to New York before, so I am so happy that she was able to have this experience.  I created a fun itinerary with HUE to help make her NYC trip a special one.  We started out with brunch at Jack's Wife Freda.  I had always heard amazing things about this place and the food was so good.  It's a small spot, but definitely worth going to.  Jacqui surprised me with a special gift and it seriously touched me.  It's one of the sweetest things that anyone has done for me.  She wrote me a heartfelt card, got me an inspirational message block and the movie Anchorman 2 because she knows how obsessed I am with Ron Burgundy.  We really got to open up and talk more about our lives and our personal stories and I can honestly say that I gained a new friend in her.  

After brunch, we went to DreamDry to get our hair done.  She had never curled her hair before, so I was excited for her to do something different.  It came out so good!  This was also my first time at DreamDry.  I am all for a place who does your hair and gives you champagne. We snapped some pics outside too and I even played photographer for her. :) I showed her the infamous blogger walk pose. lol  After we did our hair, it  was time to shop in SoHo!  We introduced her to so many new stores that she had never gone to before like TopShop, Mango, and Zara to name a few.  Shopping was so much fun and she found so many great things.  Before my blog, I used to do style consultations and personal shopping so this brought back a lot of fun memories for me. 


After a couple of hours of shopping, we were hoping to go to the Top Of The Rock to show her an incredible view of the city.  Unfortunately, time was not on our side that day so we ended up heading to dinner instead.  We went to Pagani, a restaurant downtown.  So good!  Now here's a funny story.  I am very animated when I talk.  I guess it's a Latina thing.  When I tell a story, it's like I am literally acting it out.  I throw my hands around and everything.  I was telling them a story and knocked over my entire glass of red wine all over me.  To make matters worse I was wearing a white shirt. hahaha I am the biggest klutz in life!  I honestly just laughed at myself and even posted in on instagram because these are the types of things that happen to me all the time.  You can't take yourself too seriously.  ;) Basically, it was a hysterical way to end the day. 

Thanks so much to HUE for a fun filled day!  I hope you had an amazing time Jacqui and a great first trip to NYC. <3 

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A Day In The City With HUE & Jacqui
A Day In The City With HUE & Jacqui
Reviewed by Jacob
Published :
Rating : 4.5

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