Life Chats

Wednesday got us like..... let's just "stay in bed."
As I told you all in last week's life chat post, I want to incorporate more personal pieces and a better balance of topics on here.  I figured what's more personal than doing a post on my bed and in my bedroom?  I really like the whole concept of having life chats with you guys, so as of right now I am thinking of making this a regular series on here.  I would love to know your thoughts on this!  It's such a wide range concept, which really allows me to just fill you all in on how I am feeling at the moment, life updates, random facts and just anything that is on my mind that I want to share. 


I opened up and told you guys that I was in somewhat of a rut so I wanted to elaborate on this more and discuss different things that I do to help bring me out of this.  Getting into ruts is completely normal.  It can happen with your career, in relationships and really just life in general.  Sometimes we feel like we give so much and don't get enough in return, sometimes we feel like we work so hard and the results just don't show like they should and sometimes we are just ready for new beginnings but are afraid to take that next step.  The problem with ruts is that they often lead to negative thinking and self doubt.  As hard as it may be, it's important to get out of this mentality as quickly as you can.  Whenever I feel this way, I know right away that I just need some "me" time.  I disconnect myself from social media and my phone and allow myself to just simply be.  Sometimes I go for a run or a long walk to clear my head, sometimes I just need a fun night out with my friends and other times I find relief in just staying home and for lack of a better term, "do absolutely nothing."  Life gets overwhelming for all of us, both professionally and personally so it definitely feels amazing when I am able to have those quiet moments in my bedroom and do nothing but relax with my pups and watch Netflix.  I actually binge watch Netflix to the point that I can watch an entire series in a week.  That's a little embarrassing to admit, but hey it helps!  There is something about escaping your own reality for several (or many) hours and keeping your mind occupied on something else.  Believe it or not, this actually helps me a lot.  Who knew that Netflix could be therapeutic? [lol] By the way, if any of you have tv show or movie recommendations please share!  I am always looking for new things to watch in my down time. 

Another thing that often helps pull me out of my ruts is writing.  It helps to talk about things but for me, I always feel much better when I write down my thoughts and feelings.  I have been this way for as long as I can remember.  Before my love for fashion and singing, there was my writing.  This goes way back to the 5th grade.  I wrote an entire series of children's stories and would share them with my family and friends.  My imagination was constantly running wild.  As I got older the children's stories led to poetry and then the poetry led to song lyrics.  In college, I majored in Journalism and English so my love for writing grew and developed even more.  I think that is one of the reasons why I have felt the need to expand my topics on here.  I enjoy this type of writing over anything else.  So I guess it would come as no surprise to you all that one of my biggest dreams has always been to write a book.  This is something that I have started and stopped so many times my entire life.  In my most recent rut, I realized that I was letting too much time pass me by without bringing this dream to life.  Little by little, I have started again and my plan is to never stop until it's complete.  I can delve into this topic a bit more at a later time, but it's something that I really wanted to share with you guys today.


It's very important for me to surround myself with positive people and positive energy.  We all have those moments where negative thoughts enter our minds.  We are human.  It happens.  However, there is a huge difference with a having a few negative thoughts from time to time and constantly having a negative mentality.  I love being around people who want to help lift me up when I am feeling down.   I want to converse with those who can offer some inspiring and motivating messages to help me snap out of those bad moments.  In return, I want to be able to do the same for them when they need it. I think that is such an important part of friendship.  I am also always filling up my personal space with inspiring quotes because this all helps me.  It's just great to have that as a constant daily reminder.  Whenever I am feeling down or having a bad day, I see all of these powerful messages and it makes a huge difference.  Every one deals with things in their own way, but these are just some of things that continue to make me feel better when I am down and out. 

The last thing I do is think of what I can change.  It's so easy to fall into these ruts and never actually do anything about them.  It's important to ask yourself what is making you unhappy so that you can do something about it.  Change is not always easy, but it's an essential part of growing and moving on to the next steps in our lives, whatever they may be.  Sometimes it feels like doors are closing all around us, but remember, this just means that bigger and better doors are about to open. 

Thanks so much for reading today's post! <3

Bedding/Pillows: Under The Canopy
Shirt: ThreadSence
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Life Chats
Life Chats
Reviewed by Jacob
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Rating : 4.5

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