Choose Skin Health

Disclosure: This is a compensated campaign in collaboration with Latina Bloggers Connect and Neutrogena.  This post has not been edited by third parties and all opinions are my own.  

It is so important to take care of our skin and protect ourselves from the sun.  This is something that should be done all year round, but most people don't think about it until the summer time.  With all the trips you take to the beach and all of the vacations and getaways that you go on, one of the things that you should always pack with you is sunscreen.  To be completely honest, I didn't always use products with SPF when I went tanning and I truly regret that now.  My parents always told me to put sunscreen on, but being young and naive, all I cared about using was dark tanning oil with very little protection. I've definitely noticed marks on my skin from the sun and I realize now how much danger I put myself in.
Cancer hits home for me since I lost my father almost three years ago because of it.  My sister was also diagnosed with early stages of skin cancer around the same time that my father was diagnosed with colon cancer.  It's actually a disease that runs in my family and is something that I always think about.  Thankfully my sister was treated right away and nothing else has developed but it was a really scary time for her and my family.  Sometimes we don't really think about the dangers or side effects because we believe that nothing bad will ever happen to us.  This is why it's extremely important that we all take the proper steps to protect ourselves and our loved ones.

Some Facts 
Almost every hour, one American dies of melanoma.  Skin cancer is the most common cancer in the world, yet it is also the most preventable. Surveys reveal that more than 70% of Americans do not reapply sunscreen when they are outdoors for long periods of time.  75% of teens and young adults use a moisturizer, but the majority are still not using sun protection every day.

I am so happy to be apart of  Neutrogena's Choose Skin Health campaign that exists to fight skin cancer and save lives through education, early detection and the empowerment to follow sun safe behaviors.
There are so many ways that you can protect yourself and take better care of your skin during the summer and all year round.  You can also do it in style! It all starts with using the right products and incorporating them into your daily routine.

Here are some of the things that I do to protect myself from the sun and take care of my skin:

One of the SPF products that I am currently using and will be packing in my beach bag all summer is Neutrogena Beach Defense.  It's perfect to bring with you to the pool and to other fun outdoor activities as well.  It's a lightweight, fast absorbing mist which I absolutely love and it even smells good. It's oil free and water resistant for up to 80 minutes so don't forget to reapply!

There's so many other great products from the Neutrogena Suncare line too.  Packing one in your purse and beach bag should become a priority if it isn't already.  Always apply sunscreen 15-30 minutes before going outdoors. And don't only use sunscreen during the summer months.  It's important to remember to use it all year round!

Please take a minute and watch this video: Choose Skin Health!

I really hope that this post helped you and makes you want to take better care of your skin.  The things we do now definitely affect us as we get older.  So don't wait for tomorrow, start today!


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Choose Skin Health
Choose Skin Health
Reviewed by Jacob
Published :
Rating : 4.5

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