Sunday Inspiration

Just a little bit of inspiration for this beautiful Sunday:

This is a photo my mom took during one of our shoots.  It's so simple, but so beautiful.  Pictures say a thousand words and this one really spoke to me, so I just wanted to share. 

It's so easy to get caught up in the negativity of life.  Too often, we let the words of others affect us and bring us down.  Too often, we let our personal struggles take over.  And too often, we don't appreciate what we have while we have it.  It's so important in those moments where we feel defeated to remind ourselves of our greatness and the amazing things about us and our lives.  Instead of getting upset about all of the things that are going wrong, we should focus our energy on all of the things that are going right. And instead of worrying about the things we do not have, we should try and be thankful for everything we do have.  I know it's easier said than done, but having this mentality can change so much. 

In our weakest moments, it's difficult to find our strength.  When something upsets me, I ask myself "how much importance does this have on my life?"  And in most cases, it has no importance at all.   Life is truly so short and unfortunately not everyone takes advantage of their time here in a positive way.  It's so easy to be distracted or slowed down because of the things going on around us.  We all have our own obstacles and by no means are they easy to over come.  But we should try and let those difficulties fuel us to do better and to be better.  

There is beauty all around us and in each of us.  Sometimes we lose sight of that.  The next time something goes wrong or someone speaks badly of you, just remind yourself that you are amazing, you are worth more and you deserve more.  Focus your time and energy on all of the things that you want to accomplish, and let that negativity push you towards your goals that much more.  It all starts with a positive mind and thats where our strength begins.  I know this post won't change the world, but if it can change at least one person's mentality, then that's good enough for me. 

Before fashion and before music, there was always my writing.  It's just another piece of me that I get to share with all of you <3 
Thank you for taking the time to read this and I hope you all have a great day! 

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Sunday Inspiration
Sunday Inspiration
Reviewed by Jacob
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Rating : 4.5

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