Naty Grams

It's time for a new round-up of Naty Grams, giving you another peek into my life outside of the blog.  Of course though remember, that this is only instagram.  Being 100% honest and real, these are just photos and even though they capture certain moments in my life, nothing about them is perfect.  When it comes to social media, instagram especially, people only show you what they want you to see.  All you see is that one square photo not knowing what really took place "behind the scenes" of that person's life. Instagram is just a tiny glimpse into someone's world.  I always do my best though to post a variety of things in my daily life because there is much more to me than just the outfits that I wear, but sometimes, I have nothing to post! lol
 Hope you like this round-up. <3

This is a mini collage from my birthday night.  I started it off having dinner at Annabele's in NYC (their kale & squash pizza was amazing) and then celebrated at the Hudson Hotel.  There is always tears shed on my birthday and this year was no exception.  I'm an emotional hot mess every November.  From people being late, to last minute cancellations, to pushing back reservations 3 times, to a few other incidents, the night was no where near perfect.  BUT, having all of these amazing people in my life to celebrate with me and put a smile on my face made me feel like the night was perfection.  I am very thankful for all of them and could not have asked for a better birthday.

My birthday dress from NBD!  I loved this so much because it made me feel both confident and sexy. 
Sidenote: I made my sister take a bunch of these and she hated me for it. lol 

Mornings with these little critters are the best.  I had to take this picture a ton of times before getting the right one, as that's usually how it happens.  If you look closely you can see that the print on my leggings matches the one on their sweaters. :) I didn't realize this until I took the photos.  Love my little guys. 

Celebrating one of my best friend's engagement and I am so excited to say that I am going to be a bridesmaid!  This is my first time being a bridesmaid and I had no idea how much work went into it.  We've been so busy trying to find the dresses, plan her bridal shower, and hopefully a bachelorette trip to Vegas!  I can't wait for her special day. 

The wedding colors are going to be a classic black and white, so she asked all of the bridesmaids to wear a black dress to the engagement party.  I went with this pretty lace one from H&M. 

Here's a close up of my shorter hair!  It looks much shorter when I curl it.  It was just time for a little change.  I am actually thinking of going even shorter, but have not decided yet.  What do you think? 

Unintentionally matching with the leaves the other day.  I am super indecisive when it comes to posting photos, so everything that you see me post just remember that I probably asked myself over 20 times if I should post it or not.  I know, I have issues.  (insert monkey covering eyes emoji)

I tried a pumpkin bellini for the first time at brunch in the city at Isabelle's.  Great place, highly recommend.  Pumpkin Bellini > Pumpkin Spice Latte. ;)

My bestie ran the NYC Marathon!  26.2 miles, that is insane.  It was actually her second time doing the marathon. For the first one, I flew out with her to Miami back in 2011.  She has inspired me to do it one day in the near future, possibly next November.  But first, I want to run a 10K! Baby steps. 

Speaking of running, this was my victory selfie for hitting a personal goal: 4 miles non-stop.  I know 4 miles seems like nothing compared to 26.2, but damn it felt like forever.  I ran a 5k once back in 2010 for colon cancer when my father was first diagnosed.  I had not run that far since then.  Over the last couple of months I started getting back into it much more and have been building up my stamina.  I am so close to being able to do a 10k and then I will take it from there.  Tell yourself that you CAN and you WILL.  (running man emoji)

I don't know why, but I love photos like this even though I almost always spill my coffee while trying to get a good pic.  This is one of my favorite mugs from Target and these socks are my favorite.  I like long socks and I cannot lie. 

This is one of my favorite quotes and it reminds me to travel, explore and discover more in this world.  I have always been a quotes girl and try to upload at least one each week, sometimes more. (Thanks to pinterest) There is so much B.S. and negativity in all of our daily lives, so I think it's good to spread some positive energy, especially on the internet.  Don't let other people's negative minds overpower your positive one. #aintnobodygottimeforthat lol 

I had an "off-duty" day in these Joes Jeans leggings and Reebok kicks!  It's not every day that I wear sneakers, but these are way too comfortable to sit in my closet.  If you look closely, you can see that the flashlight on my phone is on. So what I am really doing in this photo is trying to figure out how the hell to turn it off. haha

This was a very lazy Saturday in bed almost two weeks ago. I think I drank 4 cups of coffee that day (so bad) and just hung out in bed watching netflix and reading with my little cuties.  I wanted to capture the moment with them. Sometimes it feels good to just do absolutely nothing.  

A grainy selfie with my boo!  I seriously love this dog beyond words.  I first got Kiko the summer that  my father was diagnosed.  It was also about 2 months after I had to put my childhood dog, Cuddles, to sleep and 2 months after my rabbit, Thumper, died.  Kiko truly became therapeutic for me and even though he is just a dog, he seriously helped me get through a difficult time in my life.  <3

Happiest of Thursdays my loves!

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Naty Grams
Naty Grams
Reviewed by Jacob
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Rating : 4.5

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