
-A Thanksgiving Message-

It's officially Thanksgiving and as I finish packing for my trip to DR to celebrate my friend's wedding, I can't help but think about all of the things that I am thankful for.  My family and friends mean the world to me and I feel so lucky & grateful to be blessed with such incredible people in my life along with two adorable pups.  I have the most amazing & supportive mother who has become my best friend.  I don't know what I would do without her.  The holiday season is especially hard without having my father here, but I am at peace knowing that in some way he is still with me and watching over me every single day.  I feel his presence and his guidance when I need it the most and for that I am extremely thankful.  

I'm thankful for my struggles because they have truly changed me.  They've made me a better person.  When we are broken, we are forced to look deep within ourselves and make a change.  They say that people change for two reasons: You learn enough that you want to or you hurt enough that you have to.  I've learned that many things fall apart so that better things can come together.  Things are not always easy, my life is not perfect and I definitely have my moments where I still struggle,  but I feel stronger than I ever have before and for that, I am thankful. 

 I believe that keeping your faith and having a positive outlook on life can make all the difference in the world.  It's important for us to focus on the things and people that truly matter.  All of that other stuff is just noise.  Ignore the negativity and get rid of the bad energy around you.  Don't let it distract you or steer you off course.  While sometimes I may feel lost, I am thankful for always finding my way back. 

It makes me so happy that I am able to do what I love and share it with all of you.  In some way, I feel like I personally know many of you because of my blog and social media.  It's allowed me to connect with so many people in so many different places and it's such an amazing thing.  Thank you for allowing me to share not only my style with you, but parts of my life as well.  I have so much love for you and am so thankful for your support! 

I wish all of you and your families a very Happy Thanksgiving!  
Let's be thankful and appreciative for all that we have today AND every other day too. 
Lots of love. <3
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Reviewed by Jacob
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